Holiday / Navidad 2019

Thank you for all the compliments on our Day of the Dead fall cover of Ophelia Manik by Kenny Viese. Emmanuel put on an unbelievable show in the plaza for the third annual Día de Muertos Todos Santos event. Kudos to Bésame Mucho Bazaar and the whole team of volunteers who made the event possible. La Paz photographer, Sandra Muñoz covered the concert for Journal del Pacifico.

Mark Gabriel, Galería Militar in Todos Santos and Pez Gordo in San José del Cabo, has shared “El Rey” the humpback whale for our holiday cover. Mark Gabriel is an award-winning multi-media artist who began his career in the underground comics and fanzine world. He is also one of the featured artists in The Palapa Society’s Artists of Todos Santos 2020/2021 calendar.

We have a variety of informative and fun stories for you in the issue. Bryan Jáuregui of Todos Santos Eco Adventures shares the success story of Cabo Pulmo and the Baja Coastal Institute. She also had the pleasure of interviewing a pig for our Life of Colette piece.

Trudi Angell of Saddling South tells the tale of Baja’s first mule pack-trains and their journey to “Alta” California.

Pamela Ambrose interviewed Cate Thomassen, shardArtist. You can see Cate’s mosaic work at her show at the Galería de Todos Santos on January 29.

Palapa Society of Todos Santos 5k run/walk, Todos Santos, Baja, MexicoThis holiday season enjoy the abundant activities, specials, events, workshops, and seminars. There is a whole lot going on! Start the season off with The Palapa Society’s Carrera de Todos Santos 5k walk / run on December 28.

Then, live the red-carpet experience at Colette The Pig’s world premiere of her art film at Panteón 19, which benefits the Padrino Children’s Foundation.

Photographer Pablo Marquez, Galería Logan, will be leading a four-day master class in capturing the soul of landscape photography starting January 12.

Artist Anne Hebebrand is offering classes in abstract painting, painting with neutrals, and cold wax January through March.

The Writing Ranch’s 10th annual “Writing Down the Baja” retreat takes place January 26 through February 2, at Serendipity in Todos Santos.

The Todos Santos Writers’ Workshop, now in its seventh year, takes place February 1 through 8, and have added a second week for those enrolled in the first week, February 10 through 15, for writers who want to continue their work.

Baja Blooms, a five-day pottery, creative journaling, and yoga retreat takes place March 22 through 28 at the Hotelito this season.

And you won’t want to miss the Artists of Todos Santos Open Studio Tour, February 7 to 9, a benefit for The Palapa Society of Todos Santos.

The Pelican Theater Company of La Paz is also back this season with shows January 21 through 25. See our article for more details.

La Palapa del Sabor has monthly mariachi nights with delicious Mexican specialties for dinner. See our events listings for all of these and more!

Mailboxes Todos Santos has added a third location, in Cabo in the Walmart complex, location #69.

Pura Vida Health Food Store & Deli in Todos Santos is celebrating 10 years of serving the local community.

Tortugeros Las Playitas will have hatchling releases every day at 5 pm at the Tortugueros Las Playitas greenhouse in Las Tunas. Releases are open to the public and free of charge. Reservations requested for tour and school groups, info at: Whats App 612-177-8393.

Cross2box has moved to a new location at the entrance to Todos Santos. Cross2box doesn’t have individual classes, every hour there is new session based on their clients’ needs.

You’ve probably been hearing about the new dentist in Todos Santos, Dra. Ana Cortez at Smile Up. In addition to general dentistry, she is a specialist in crowns, implants, and cosmetic dentistry.

Panterra Eco Expeditions, at the Fonatur marina in La Paz, offers land-based and cruising expeditions to Magdalena Bay and the Sea of Cortez. And right now, they’re offering special Christmas discounts!

St. Jude’s Medical Center now has a walk-in clinic in Pescadero, next door to their pharmacy.

Shut Up Franks is back with new specials and some old favorites. They also have happy hour weekdays from 3 to 6 pm.

Happy holidays! We’ll see you in February with our winter issue. Deadline is January 10.

Fall 2019 issue

Summer/Verano 2019 Journal del Pacifico, by Erick Ochoa, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

Summer/Verano 2019 Journal del Pacifico, by Erick Ochoa, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

Fall / Otoño 2019 Deadline – September 20

Baja California Sur is fresh from summer rains, getting ready for visitors and Journal del Pacifico is ready to bring them to your door!

Now in our 9th season, Journal del Pacifico continues to inspire people to travel to our beautiful peninsula and support the unique area businesses and events.

Thank you for all the compliments on the Summer/Verano 2019 issue with the stunning Erick Ochoa cover. Journal del Pacifico is excited about the new season; we’ve been busy collecting more great stories, photographs, and art for each information packed issue.

Don’t wait! Contact us today to participate in the upcoming Fall/Otoño 2019 issue that covers mid-October through early December. We’ll have more beautiful artwork, stunning photography, exclusive stories, profiles, and, as always, the features that make each issue a valuable resource to guide visitors and residents to the special qualities that make Baja California Sur a great place to live and a magical place to visit.

Fall / Otoño mid-October through early December 2019
Issue closing date: September 20, 2019
Holiday / Navidad mid-December 2019 / January 2020
Issue closing date: November 9, 2019
Winter / Invierno February / March 2020
Issue closing date: January 10, 2020
Spring / Primavera April / May 2020
Issue closing date: March 10, 2020
Summer / Verano June through September 2020
Issue closing date: May 9, 2020

Every issue of Journal del Pacifico, la Revista de Baja California Sur, reaches 50,000 new and returning clients. 10,000 copies are distributed in La Paz, Todos Santos, San José del Cabo, the corridor, Loreto, El Triunfo and Los Barriles. Locals and visitors look for every issue to take home, share with friends, and visit online.

Our Readers: Print Readership: 50,000 (based on 5 readers per copy)
Male/Female: 41%/59%, ages 25 to 65+
American, Canadian, and International visitors and residents.
Upper-middle-class Mexican residents in La Paz, Todos Santos, and Los Cabos.

Our website/blog features area information, events, articles, and maps, plus downloadable PDF versions of every issue for your clients, friends and family to read wherever they are in the world.

Reserve your space, share your business news, events and send your ads to:

Don’t wait! Email to reserve your space today!


We look forward to talking to you about this special issue in the coming week!


Fall / Otoño 2019:  Fecha límite – 20 de septiembre

Baja California Sur revive con las lluvias de verano, se prepara para la temporada turística, y Journal del Pacífico está lista para atraer clientes a tu negocio.

Journal del Pacífico, en su noveno año de publicación, continúa inspirando a la gente a viajar a nuestra hermosa península y apoyar a los singulares negocios y eventos que disfrutamos aquí.

Gracias por sus cumplidos sobre la edición Verano 2019, con la impresionante portada de Erick Ochoa.  La Revista Journal del Pacífico se prepara con emoción para la nueva temporada con nuevos reportajes, fotografías y arte en cada número.

¡No esperes! Contáctanos hoy mismo para participar en el siguiente número de Otoño 2019. Tendremos impactantes fotografías, reportajes exclusivos, entrevistas, y como siempre, la información que hacen de cada número una fuente valiosa de información para visitantes y residentes sobre todo lo que hace de Baja California Sur un sitio tan estupendo para vivir y un destino mágico para visitar.

Fall / Otoño Octubre / Noviembre 2019
Fecha de cierre: 20 de Septiembre 2019
Holiday / Navidad Diciembre 2019 / Enero 2020
Fecha de cierre: 9 de Noviembre 2019
Winter / Invierno Febrero / Marzo 2020
Fecha de cierre: 10 de Enero 2020
Spring / Primavera Abril / Mayo 2020
Fecha de cierre: 10 de Marzo 2020
Summer / Verano Junio hasta Octubre 2020
Fecha de cierre: 9 de Mayo 2020

Cada edición del Journal del Pacifico, la Revista de Baja California Sur, alcanza 50,000 clientes, nuevos y ya existentes. 10,000 copias se distribuyen en La Paz, Todos Santos, San José del Cabo, El Corredor, Loreto, El Triunfo y Los Barriles. Locales y visitantes esperan cada edición para llevársela a casa, compartir con amigos, y visitarnos en línea; en días inmediatos después del Huracán Odile la página del JDP en Facebook fue el sitio de búsqueda de información y actualizaciones. Esta edición de Colección, tendrá una vida de 12 meses en aparador, que los lectores utilizarán como referencia durante todo el año.

Nuestros lectores: lectores captados: 50,000 (basado en 5 lectores por copia).

Masculino/Femenino: 41%/59%, edades 25 a 65+

Americanos, Canadienses, visitantes internacionales y residentes-

Clase Media/Alta residentes Mexicanos en  La Paz, Todos Santos y Los Cabos.
Nuestro sitio/Blog presenta información de area, eventos, artículos y mapas, más versiones de PDF para bajar de cada edición para sus clientes, amigos y familia para leerlo dondequiera que estén en el mundo.

Reserve su espacio, comparta las noticias de su negocio, eventos y mande sus anuncios a:


Esperamos hablar pronto con ustedes acerca de esta edición especial la semana que entra.

Gastrovino 2019

Gastrovino Baja Food & Wine Festival ad in Journal del Pacifico, Baja, MexicoThis May 17, 18. and 19, GastroVino, southern Baja’s increasingly popular food and wine festival returns for its eighth season with plenty of surprises to inspire and delight the Baja food and wine community. For those who are unfamiliar with the festival, GastroVino celebrates the spectacular quality of Mexican wines and the equally delectable appeal of local cuisine via pairings, dinners, tours, and more. It’s also an important charity event, having raised over $15,000 USD last year alone for local nonprofits.

GastroVino’s illustrious founder and muse, Perla Garnica, has presided over the festival for eight consecutive years. “I’m particularly excited to see how much it’s growing,” says Garnica enthusiastically. “Every year the number of attendees grows, we raise more from the silent auction, and we are able to make an even bigger impact on how we give back to the community.”

Garnica, along with creative director and famed art photographer Kate Turning, and their devoted team of volunteers, have dreamed up perhaps the most exciting theme yet. Journal del Pacifico is pleased to share the exclusive reveal of this year’s theme for GastroVino 2019:

As in previous years the festival will take place in the town of Todos Santos, a charming oasis that has increasingly become home to a diverse community of spirited residents, who contribute to its impressive array of culinary and artistic offerings. Whereas the event was originally designed to bring recognition to the 150-year tradition of winemaking in northern Baja, it has evolved into a multi-dimensional celebration.

For those who haven’t been to the festival in prior years, expect the town to buzz with activity for two days as winemakers, chefs, artists, and musicians throughout the peninsula join together to share their gifts. The venerable carnival that takes over the town each year is precisely what inspired this year’s theme.

“In a way, it feels like the circus is coming,” explains Kate Turning. “All of these amazingly gifted people come together in such a unique and special way. It’s not just about eating and drinking; there are artists, musicians, and dancers who have become an integral part of the event. Last year, we had a number of chefs actually cooking on site, in the plaza. There were incredible aromas wafting through the air as music played and people laughed and cavorted about. It’s truly a feast for the senses and that’s really what we wanted to explore for this year’s theme.”

When the team sat down to develop the poster art, they tried dutifully to develop a concept that explored a meaningful balance between food and wine. “We wanted to acknowledge the marriage of those two elements in a more intentional and celebratory way.” The founder, Perla Garnica, elaborates, “In fact, the Spanish term used to describe a wine and food pairing is the word ‘maridaje’ which actually means marriage.” Art is a powerful undercurrent of the culture of Todos Santos, so for this year’s poster, Turning curated a collaboration with local resident and sought-after tattoo artist, Tomato N Sal and his team. It took them four hours to artfully paint the chili pepper and grape tattoos—emblematic of two perfectly intrinsic elements of Baja wine and cuisine. The skewer was a literal reference to the increase in chefs who cook on site with locally sourced ingredients. There is a decidedly inclusive nature to the open kitchen. The smells and flavors that ensue create a culinary spectacle for all to enjoy.

The overall imagery and tone of the event’s artwork evokes a magical realism that typifies not only an important theme in Latin American culture but also a longtime trademark of Turning’s work. “I wanted it to cultivate a sense of mystery and enchantment, like antique circus posters of the gilded age,” says Turning. “Perla represents the figure of the ringleader, a concept that is both literal and figurative. The ringleader holds all the magic and the secrets.”

And yet, it is no secret that the GastroVino Festival has become one of the most anticipated events in southern Baja. This year promises more winemakers, more chefs, and more fun.

The celebration kicks off on Friday, May 17 from 7 to 11 pm, with a VIP Sunset Cocktail at El Mirador Ocean View Restaurant. Meet and greet the winemakers of GastroVino Baja Food & Wine Festival, while you savor the culinary creations of guest chefs Frankie Terzoli and Marina Garnica. Live music by Grammy award winner Terry Townson, Hollywood composer Bill Levine on the piano and DJ Marymoon. Tickets are 100 USD / 1,900 MX. Limited capacity, so please by your tickets online ( or at Guaycura Boutique Hotel Beach Club & Spa.

Saturday, May 18 at 6 pm, hit the town with the GastroTour. Attendees will be given a map of the historic town center and will be invited to visit over ten distinct restaurants. Each visiting winemaker is matched with a local chef and together they design the perfect gastronomic pairing to feature during the tour. The evening ends with live music and a chance to mingle with other gastronomic adventurers at the famed Hotel California. Tickets are 400 pesos in advance, $500 pesos at the door.

On Sunday, May 19 from 2 to 6 pm, the Todos Santos plaza principal will transform into a Circus of the Senses for the main event from 2 to 6 pm. Over 20 restaurants will be serving some of their best dishes while guests will have the opportunity to taste wines from over 15 of the most popular Baja producers. Live painting and performance art will bring the festival to life with appearances by Fabula Danza, international DJs, and the jazz band of Pepe Soza. Tickets are 700 pesos in advance. The evening continues with the afterparty on the sky lounge of Hotel Guaycura at dusk, with live DJ music.

Every year, GastroVino features a silent auction to raise funds for local charities and this year’s event will once again be devoted to the Padrino Children’s Foundation. Attendees can expect to bid on artwork, jewelry, gastronomic accessories, and once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences.

From oenophiles and foodies, to travelers and culture-seekers, there is truly something for everyone at GastroVino 2019. Come raise a glass, join the circus, and see what makes this event one of the most beloved celebrations in the region.

Tickets are available online and at El Tecolote Bookstore and Amor d’vino in Todos Santos, The Wine Market in Cabo San Lucas, Pez Gordo at The Shoppes at Palmilla in San José del Cabo, and Doce Cuarenta in La Paz. For more information, visit: or

Spring 2019

Journal del Pacifico Spring 2019, "Wise Woman" by Kate Turning, Baja, Mexico

Spring 2019, “Wise Woman” by Kate Turning

Thank you for all the compliments on the Winter 2019 issue with the El Triunfo cover by Kenny Viese. Both long-term residents and newcomers enjoyed the trip down memory lane with tales of local history and personalities. We are sure that you will enjoy this issue with our annual cover by the multi-talented Kate Turning and her team.






Gastrovino Baja Food & Wine Festival ad in Journal del Pacifico, Baja, MexicoKate Turning also provided the stunning images for this year’s GastroVino Baja Food & Wine Festival feature. This popular festival (not to be missed) is now in its eighth year. Check out our stories to find out what’s new this May.

In a strong bid to conserve local Todos Santos ecosystems and biodiversity, Dr. Roberto Carmona and his colleagues Gerardo Marrón, Adriana Hernández Alvarez, Abigail Rivas, and Gustavo D. Danemann documented the wildlife and vegetation at the lagoon at La Poza during dozens of visits from 2014 to 2016. While the Todos Santos community helped, Dr. Carmona and his colleagues’ was largely self-funded and resulted in a report submitted to the Mexican government to have the lagoon declared an Area Critica. The lagoon at La Poza is a prime habitat for the critically endangered endemic bird species, the Belding’s yellowthroat. Bryan Jáuregui of Todos Santos Eco Adventures tells the tale in this issue. Local photographers Claude Vogel, Alvaro Colindres, and Kaia Thomson share some of their healthy and unhealthy lagoon photos in the story.

Amor d’vino has moved to a new location on calle Militar in Todos Santos. You will find it just around the corner from Todos Santos Brewing and across the street from Bodega Lizzaraga and Que Rico. Stop in and see their great wine selection.

Rancho LaVenta is a jewel located between San Antonio and San Bartolo at km 144.5. Cozy casitas include gourmet breakfast, cooking facilities, and a unique pool and sauna. Taste estate wines or buy a bottle and enjoy it poolside. Check out the art studio and tour the working ranch. Other activities include hiking, birding and horse riding. or Facebook/bajabirding/.

Besame Mucho 2nd Anniversary, Baja, MexicoBesamé Mucho Bazaar and The Baja 100 teamed up for a fun-filled 2nd anniversary party for Besamé Mucho on the plaza in Todos Santos this past March. Stop by the store and explore its treasures from around the world.

Gallo Azul Pizza Art Bar is celebrating their 5th anniversary in Todos Santos, read the interview with owner Alan Becerril in this issue.

And April 20th, Shaka’s Cantina on the road to Cerritos Beach will celebrate their one-year anniversary with an all-day party. Celebrate with drink and food specials, and live music with ‘Los Leones.’

April 26th, The First Festival de Mole will take place in the Todos Santos Plaza Publica. It’s a great opportunity to sample moles from 15 different chefs.

The Palapa Society of Todos Santos A.C. understands the importance that education makes in a child’s life and future opportunities. Read the article in this issue to find out how you can make a difference.

Since December 2017, Over the Edge Baja (OTE) bike shop has been the soul center of destination mountain biking in Todos Santos. OTE stores are experts in providing professional, technical service for your bicycle and they stock high performance dream bikes that you can rent or buy. Over The Edge is all about connecting people to places and building trails along the way.

Have you tried ionized water to look and feel your best? It’s available locally at Pura Vida Health Foods in Todos Santos, or visit

Check Bleu Mediterranean restaurant’s Facebook page for their dinner schedule and special events like paella nights.

Shut Up Frank’s, where the locals hang out, is open six days a week with happy hour 4 to 6 pm on weekdays. We’ve heard that their blue cheese burger is to die for. Stop in and find out!

We’ll see you again with our last issue of the season, Summer 2019. Deadline is May 10.