This is What Community Looks Like

Journal del Pacifico Spring 2020 cover by Kate TurningThe communities of Todos Santos and Pescadero have been working through these trying times, finding ways to adapt to the many changes, figuring out business options, and reaching out to help those in need. These individuals are neither heroes nor saints but are the backbone for real community that we love.

Many local restaurants have found creative ways to stay open by offering takeout and delivery options.

Chill N Grill has curbside pickup for their full menu and pizza, Monday – Friday, 4 – 8 pm, and Taco Tuesday again! Call to order, 6121450014.

Chez Laura and Poke Loco have teamed up to offer daily specials Wednesday – Saturday. You can also order Chez Laura’s delicious bread!

Gallo Azul has pizza and beer to go and offers home delivery, Tuesday – Sunday, 2:30 – 8 pm. Call to order, 6121588457.

Shut Up Frank’s has their full menu and beer available for takeout and delivery, Wednesday – Sunday, 12 – 8 pm. Call to order, 6121450707.

Todos Santos Brewing is providing people with that valuable substance – beer. You can refill your growlers Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12 – 2 pm. Checkout their Facebook page for brew master, Ted Mitchell, performing his original acoustic tunes for our listening pleasure.

Palmar in Pescadero has their full menu available for takeout, Monday – Saturday, 12 – 7 pm. Order in advance via Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp.

Area grocery and specialty stores have stepped up to the “new norm” by asking customers to wear masks and limiting the number of people in the store at one time.

Pura Vida Health Food and Deli is open Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm. You can shop at the store or place your order for pickup. They offer personal delivery to Pescadero on Thursdays and Las Tunas on Fridays. They are also taking orders for Costco purchases.

Que Rico has recently changed ownership but continues stock the same great local products. They are open Tuesday – Thursday, 11 am – 5 pm. They also have cloth face masks for sale made by Manos Magicas sewing team.

You can order from Mini Super Munchies online, by WhatsApp or Messenger, Monday – Friday, 12 – 4 pm and pickup at their location.

Todos Santos Private Transportation and Todos Santos Eco Adventures have been working with ACTS to distribute food to area families in need. And Mario Surf School has also been helping the group distributing pet food to families in need.

Todos Santos Private Transportation also is offering shopping service to La Paz or Cabo.

Farmacia San Benito and St. Jude’s pharmacy are open regular business hours and stocking hand sanitizer, alcohol, vitamins, and all your needs. Farmacia San Benito can special order medications as well.

St. Jude’s Medical Center is open and seeing patients.

Cuatro Vientos recently offered 5 Days of Fitness Zoom classes as a fundraiser for ACTS.

Cate Thomassen, shardArtist, donated an original mosaic table for a fundraiser raffle for the Biblioteca Elena Poniatowska. Tori Sepulveda was the proud winner.

You can still learn or improve your Spanish from home. Hablando Mexicano is offering online Spanish classes.

Mail Boxes Todos Santos continues to provide their full mail, shipping, and receiving services.

Todos Insurance would like you to know that COVID19 is covered for new and existing clients. Check out their international insurance. Contact Jack Schaub at

How you can help?

The Palapa Society of Todos Santos A.C.‘s students are finishing the school year at home and are receiving help online, via telephone, and WhatsApp.

It is also the time of year when parents and students are working on their applications for the 2020/2021 school year. Although all Palapa students receive tuition help, this is a hard time for parents to pay their portion. Your generous donation can help keep local/ students in school. To make a donation, visit:

ACTS, Asociacíon de Colonos de Todos Santos A.C., is taking donations to help feed local families in need. You can visit their website to get the link to make a PayPal donation at:  The Palapa Society of Todos Santos is helping with their donations. To donate via PayPal: use the email:, Enter your donation amount. Be sure to note FOOD BANK in the memo.

The Pescadero Food Bank has increased their outreach to 200 bags on a biweekly basis. Their goal is to continue to feed more families, including helping those from Grupo Madre Teresa, Pescadero rancheros, and Padrino Children’s Foundation. You can make a
donation via Paypal:

There is also a group distributing pet food to families in need. You can donate via PayPal:, or through and click on donate. Be sure to fill in the note section that it is for Todos Santos for this option! Donations via this method are tax deductible in the US.

We at Journal del Pacifico are posting updates on changes, and keeping you informed on when and how things will be reopening. Follow us right here, on Facebook, and remember, you can read all our issues online!

Stay safe!

Journal del Pacifico publisher’s statement

Español abajo.

Journal del Pacifico Spring 2020 cover by Kate Turning The coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic is changing how we live‚ work and serve you. Currently, our team is working from home and taking care of themselves and their families.

Global travel and the economy continue to remain in flux as communities both at home and around the world act to slow the spread of COVID-19. During this time of uncertainty, we recognize that it can be challenging to determine what, if any, action to take.

While we never know what the future holds, we do know that over the past nine years, both Journal del Pacifico, and our surrounding area, have changed and come back from adversities such as Hurricane Odile and we shall do it again!

In the meantime, we will continue to distribute the printed version of the Spring / Primavera 2020 issue of Journal del Pacifico in a limited manner until more businesses, hotels, and restaurants reopen.

The Van Wormer resorts in Los Barriles have announced their reopening May 20 and Los Cabos area hotels are now taking reservations for June 2020. We look forward to their arrivals enjoying our Spring/Primavera 2020 issue with the fabulous Kate Turning cover!

The Spring / Primavera 2020 issue, and every issue, are available online at We are also updating our blog posts and Facebook page with current advertiser and area information.

Unfortunately, we have decided to adjust our 2019/2020 publishing schedule to cancel the printed Summer/Verano 2020 issue of Journal del Pacifico. We WILL be back, better than ever, in the fall with our Fall/Otoño 2020 issue and look forward to sharing more great stories on how our area will be ready to welcome visitors in this changing world.

In the meantime, please stay safe and stay healthy.

Saludos from the whole Journal del Pacifico team!


La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) está cambiando la forma en que vivimos, trabajamos, y le servimos a usted.  Nuestro equipo se encuentra trabajando desde casa y cuidando su salud y la de sus familiares.

La economía y el turismo global se mantienen en limbo mientras las comunidades locales y en el resto del mundo trabajan arduamente en mitigar la propagación del virus.  Durante estos tiempos de incertidumbre, sabemos que a veces es difícil vislumbrar el camino a seguir.

Aunque no sabemos lo que nos depara el futuro, lo que sí sabemos es que en los últimos nueve años tanto el Journal del Pacifico como nuestra comunidad han pasado por cambios y sobrellevado adversidades. Sobrevivimos el huracán Odile, ¡y volveremos a vencer!

Mientras tanto, seguiremos distribuyendo la versión impresa del número de Primavera 2020 del Journal del Pacifico de manera limitada hasta que reinicien labores más negocios, hoteles y restaurantes.

Los hoteles Van Wormer en Los Barriles anunciaron su reapertura el 20 de mayo, y los hoteles de Los Cabos han empezado a tomar reservaciones para junio. ¡Esperamos que nuestros visitantes disfruten de nuestra revista de primavera con una imagen de Kate Turning en la portada!

Así como todos los demás números, la edición Primavera 2020 de la revista está disponible en  También estamos actualizando nuestro blog y página de Facebook con información actualizada de relevancia y anunciantes.

Desafortunadamente nos hemos visto obligados a ajustar nuestro calendario de publicación 2019-20, con lo que se cancela la edición impresa de Verano 2020. Estaremos de vuelta y mejor que nunca con la edición de Otoño 2020 y anticipamos ansiosamente compartir con ustedes las historias del resurgimiento de la economía local en este mundo nuevo y cambiante en que vivimos.

Mientras tanto, por favor manténganse sanos y seguros.

¡Saludos de todo el equipo de Journal del Pacífico!

Los Tres Grandes

“Flower Festival Feast of Santa Anita” by Diego Rivera

“Flower Festival Feast of Santa Anita”
by Diego Rivera

by Kate Turning

“Art is knowledge at the service of emotion”—José Clemente Orozco

Art in Mexico underwent a radical transformation at the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1924. The new government born of the citizens’ revolt commissioned the brightest artistic minds of the era to create works that spoke directly to the people, celebrating their potential to craft their own future through expanded civil liberties and universal education. The intention was to inspire the masses with the heroes of Mexican history, social justice, and the life and heart of the nation. These three legendary painters were known as Los Tres Grandes—David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco, and Diego Rivera. Together they cultivated a style and aesthetic that defined the Mexican cultural identity following the Revolution and remains today.

Los Tres Grandes developed a populist iconography featuring heroes from the past, present, and an imagined modernist future. All three believed that art was the highest form of human expression and a key force in social change. A point of agreement with the new government was that the artists would have complete freedom of expression—a radical idea at the time. Their images, featuring Aztec and Mayan warriors, political heroes, common laborers, and humble peasants, were highly visible as epic murals on public buildings, churches, and city streets in cities across Mexico including Mexico City and Guadalajara. Using visionary techniques like fresco, encaustic, mosaic, and sculpture-painting, the muralists developed a new way for our country to see itself, and to swell with national pride.

These three painters had a huge impact on their counterparts in the US as well, and many flocked to Mexico City to study and work with them, notably a young Jackson Pollock. Modernism was, as yet, an underdeveloped concept in the US art world. They inspired the American artists to bravely use their talents to protest economic, social, and racial injustices. It’s not hard to see how the Futurist intensity in the murals of José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros were an influence on the art of the WPA (Works Progress Administration) during the Great Depression, or how Diego Rivera’s fearless political statements emboldened the painters of the civil rights movement in the United States of America.

Los Tres Grandes, as well as their fellow visionaries Rufino Tamayo and Frida Kahlo, helped to create a distinctive language that is still manifested in the unique and radical style of the Mexican art scene today.

Art Talk – The Ghost Ranch

“Ghost Ranch - Homage to Georgia O’Keeffe” 24” x 36” oil/canvas by Jill Logan, Galeria Logan, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

“Ghost Ranch – Homage to Georgia O’Keeffe” 24” x 36” oil/canvas by Jill Logan

The Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
by Jill Logan, Galeria Logan

The wind was whipping up in gusts as I drove up the road to Abiquiu, New Mexico. Bold clouds parted to drop sunlight on white cliffs, backed against purple mountains. It had rained the night before and the air was clean and pure. Deep cobalt-blue skies were the backdrop to the layers of color that draped over the mountain crests.

Although I had been to Santa Fe many times over the last 30 years, I had yet to visit Georgia O’Keeffe’s home in Abiquiu and the Ghost Ranch where she spent the summers in her later life. The trip for me was monumental. The high desert of Northern New Mexico is breathtaking. I particularly love the chamiso sage-like plant, decorated with clusters of yellow flowers in Van Gogh like dancing forms. Great cottonwood trees, pines, sage—every level of elegance and tones of green—from the darkest to the bare touch of a dusty green decorate the vistas.

“In the evening with the sun at your back, that high, sage-covered plain looks like an ocean.” Georgia is quoted as saying, and, “The color up there—the blue-green of the sage, and the mountains, the wildflowers—is a different kind of color from anything I have seen. There is nothing like it in Texas, or even Colorado.”

O’Keeffe had a love affair with New Mexico from the first time she went in 1917 and always wanted to return, which she did in 1929. “I climbed way up on a pale green hill and in the evening light—the sun under clouds—the color effect was very strange—standing high on a pale-green hill where I could look all round at the red, yellow, purple formations—miles all around-the color intensified by the pale grey-green
I was standing on.” O’Keeffe,1935 letter to a friend.

Abstraction was in the wind in 1930. O’Keeffe played with visuals in a simplified pared down realism. Semi-abstractions with modeled forms and deep intense colors. Her flower series is perhaps some of her most famous renditions. Closeups with undulating forms and sensual visuals. Although she is quoted as saying it was not her intention to be sexual but rather that you slowed down to see deeply into the image as she had.
The land is raw and vibrant to this day. The views full with shapes and colors unique to this area of the world. O’Keeffe bought her home in 1945 in Abiquiu, where she mostly lived until her death in 1986. Summers she spent at the Ghost Ranch, some 13 miles from Abiquiu surrounded by majestic rock formations and peaks.

“Black Rock with Blue” is one of her stunning landscapes paintings. The smooth, rounded rock forms fill the canvas nearly touching the edges at either side. Black rock, white ground, blue sky—three simple colored shapes. The painting hangs on the end wall of her studio in Abiquiu. She is quoted as saying, “I felt that I had done what I wanted to do in it. I don’t always get what I try for you know.”

I returned from my trip this year with the intent to pay homage to her in some way. To use my photographs and her work as inspiration for a body of work in the gallery. I am sure I have not done justice to her creativity. I know her work from the museum in Santa Fe and the lines are clean and painterly. My work often has layer upon layer, and soft fuzzy edges.

I often work with dry brush as if it was chalk. So, in many ways we do not compare. But, perhaps the fact that I came to Todos Santos alone twenty-one years ago and felt this was the next Santa Fe, New Mexico, and was one of those making the art scene in town happen, I may be compared in a small way, to her. My artistic independence. Perhaps my desire to paint out of the box of realism and more into abstraction with bold colors and forms as well as brush strokes. I strive for a loose playful approach while casting light and shadow in a dance on the canvas. “Not always,” as O’Keeffe was quoted, “am I sure to hit the mark.” I am always working to develop more painterly skills while letting a spontaneous flow emerge. Now as a small body of work emerges from me with a homage to her, Georgia O’Keeffe, I hope to touch something of her soul.