Summer 2023

Journal del Pacifico Spring 2023 cover by Wendy FitzHappy Summer! Thank you for all the compliments on our Spring issue with its La Poza cover by photographer and musician Wendy Fitz. You can see her photography biography on our blog.

Kaia Thomson recently visited the Cactus Sanctuary in El Rosario and has shared her story and photographs in this issue, as well as the photo on our summer front cover.

Bryan Jáuregui, Todos Santos Eco Adventures, tells us a condensed history of Todos Santos with photos by photographers Kenny Viese and Keenan Shoal.

The Palapa Society of Todos Santos provided us with photos of Todos Santos’ historic sugar cane mills. You can see those in our “How You Can Help” feature listing how we can all give back to the community.

One way to give back is The Palapa Society’s Annual Scholarship Drive. Your contribution supports students in need of financial assistance to pursue their academic goals.

Even more “Hotels with a Heart” have teamed with Padrinos Children’s Foundation. Your stay with any of the hotels listed in their ad also helps the foundation provide important health services to local children.

Our feature story on Sharon Katz tells how she has brought her music and humanitarian work known as “The Peace Train” to Baja California Sur and Todos Santos.

White Rose by Doug West for Art Talk

White Rose by Doug West for Art Talk

This issue’s Art Talk tells a deeply personal story of Jill Logan’s recent “Wake Up Call” on the highway south of town and how it has affected her look on life and her art.

Congratulations to Pura Vida Health Food and Deli. They are celebrating 13 years of serving our community with delicious meals and healthy groceries and produce.

Chill n Grill will be serving up the best breakfast in Todos Santos on Sundays 10 am until 2 pm. Stop in for Eggs Benedict, biscuits and gravy, omelets, pancakes, burritos, hash browns, fresh orange juice, coffee, and 2×1 bloody marys and mimosas.

Doce Cuarenta Café / Bar is open every day from 7 am to 9 pm. The adjacent El Mercado, open every day except Mondays, is the perfect place to explore a variety of interesting shops and galleries. You can see more works by photographer Kenny Viese there as well.

Mini Super Munchies, on the road to Rancho Pescadero, is an artisan boutique, has craft beer, wine, ice cream, chocolate and more!

Protect Todos Santos shares information in this issue on proposed changes to the Todos Santos PDU.

We would like to welcome our newest advertisers: architect Gabriel Peri (Mar de Sol Villas), Los Torotes, Ronival Real Estate, Diamante Realtors, and Sarah Jean Mucha, el Pescadero and Todos Santos real estate advisor with The Agency.

If you’re going away this summer, Todos Los Perros Bed and Biscuit is a great choice for boarding your dog. I recently boarded my newest pup while away for the weekend. She had a great time, and I had the comfort of knowing that my pet was safe and received the best care.

Have a great summer! We’ll be back with our Fall 2023 issue in mid-October. The deadline is September 15.

On the Cover Spring / Primavera 2023

Journal del Pacfico Spring 2023 cover by Wendy Fitz

Journal del Pacfico Spring 2023 cover by Wendy Fitz

Wendy Bethia Fitz

Español abajo

My infatuation with images started in my childhood watching old films my father had taken while living in China before I was born. It’s of some note that my great, great grandfather Henry Fitz Jr. studied with Daguerre and took one of the first, if not the first, daguerreotypes in America, making him a pioneer in the era of photography in America. Also, a telescope maker, he helped develop what would become the first patented camera in America. We always had cameras around while I was growing up.

Wendy Fitz, self portrait, Baja 1979

Wendy Fitz, self portrait, Baja 1979

I didn’t really have a camera of my own until my 20s. My boyfriend at that time, John Kiewit, gave me an old Minolta that he had lying around amongst his many cameras. We rode around in a VW bus and shot any and everything. I grew up chasing beautiful light and images that were, and still are, everywhere I look.

I studied photography with Art Rogers. His continued work chronicling the history and beauty of West Marin County in California is stunning. Through my classes with Art, I was introduced to the Dark Room, a wonderful haven for photographers in San Rafael, California. I first dug into Baja California on trips led by Orrin Moon the owner of the Dark Room.

I’m inspired every day by what’s in front of my eyes–a gift I never take for granted. I’ve been wandering the pathways and beaches of Todos Santos for over 30 years collecting images given up to me by the extraordinary light.


Wendy Bethia Fitz

Traducido por Francesca Magallon

Mi infatuación por las imágenes comenzó en mi infancia, viendo filmes viejos que mi padre había tomado mientras vivía en China antes de que yo naciera. Es de notarse que mi tatarabuelo Henry Fitz Jr. estudió con Daguerre y tomó uno de los primeros, sino es que el primer daguerrotipo en América, haciéndolo un pionero en la era de la fotografía en EUA. También un fabricante de telescopios, el ayudó a desarrollar lo que se convertiría en la primera cámara patentada en América. Siempre había cámaras a nuestro alrededor cuando yo crecí.

En realidad, yo no tuve una cámara propia hasta que entré a mis veintes. Mi novio de esa época, John Kiewit, me regaló una Minolta vieja que tenía arrumbada entre sus varias cámaras. Nos movíamos en una combi VW y tomábamos fotos “de todo y nada.” Crecí persiguiendo la hermosa luz e imágenes que estaban, y siguen estando, en todos lados hacia donde dirijo mi mirada.

Estudié fotografía con Art Rogers. Su continuo trabajo documentando cronológicamente la historia y la belleza del oeste del Condado Marin en California, es impresionante. Por medio de mis clases con Art, llegué a conocer el laboratorio fotográfico llamado el “Cuarto Oscuro,” un refugio maravilloso para los fotógrafos en San Rafael, California. Por primera vez empecé a mostrar interés e investigar acerca de Baja California, debido a los viajes guiados por el dueño del Cuarto Oscuro, Orrin Moon.

Diariamente me inspira lo que tengo frente a mis ojos, un regalo que nunca doy por sentado. He deambulado por los caminos y playas de Todos Santos por más de 30 años, recolectando imágenes, que la extraordinaria luz me ha otorgado.

Spring 2023 deadline

Journal del Pacifico Winter 2023 cover by Liz IcedoHappy Spring! Feliz Primavera!

Spring / Primavera 2023 Deadline / Fecha Limite – March 10 / 10 de Marzo

Thank you for all your compliments on our Winter / Invierno 2023 issue with the beautiful cover by photographer Liz Icedo.

We at Journal del Pacifico, now in our twelfth season, continue our mission in 2023 to support local businesses and promote our beautiful peninsula.

Following are the closing dates for the 2022/2023 season. Contact us for ad space availability, prices, and sizes.

Don’t wait! Contact us to participate in the upcoming Spring / Primavera 2023 issue that covers April through the end of May 2023. We continue to publish beautiful artwork, stunning photography, exclusive stories, and profiles. As always, it is the features that make each issue a valuable resource to guide visitors and residents to the special qualities that make Baja California Sur a great place to live and a magical place to visit.

Spring / Primavera April / May 2023
Issue closing date: March 10, 2023
Summer / Verano June through September 2023
Issue closing date: May 10, 2023

Prices do not include 16% IVA.

10% extra charge for special placement.

  • Pay for 2 or more ads in advance and receive a 5% discount!

Every issue of Journal del Pacifico, la Revista de Baja California Sur, reaches 50,000 new and returning clients. 10,000 copies are distributed in La Paz, Todos Santos, San José del Cabo, the corridor, Loreto, El Triunfo and Los Barriles. Locals and visitors look for every issue to take home, share with friends, and visit online.

Our Readers: Print Readership: 50,000 (based on 5 readers per copy)
Male/Female: 41%/59%, ages 25 to 65+
American, Canadian, and International visitors and residents.
Upper-middle-class Mexican residents in La Paz, Todos Santos, and Los Cabos.

Our website/blog features area information, events, articles, and maps, plus downloadable PDF versions of every issue for your clients, friends and family to read wherever they are in the world.

Reserve your space, share your business news, events and send your ads to:

Remember to include the 16% IVA with your payment.

Don’t wait! Contact us to reserve your space today!

Winter 2023

Journal del Pacifico Holiday 2022/2023 cover by Ezra KatzThank you for all your compliments on our Holiday / Navidad 2022/2023 issue with cover by artist Ezra Katz. Local photographer Liz Icedo shared her beautiful Baja sunset photo for our Winter / Invierno 2023 cover.

In this issue, Bryan Jáuregui of Todos Santos Eco Adventures tells of the new Cowboy Museum in El Triunfo, that chronicles the 300-year-old story of the families, traditions, skills, and tools that bind the Californias of Mexico and the United States.

Bryan also shares with us how Zero Waste Hotels, like Hotel Desierto Azul in the Las Tunas Journal del Pacifico Winter 2023 cover by Liz Icedoarea of Todos Santos, are working to make a minimum impact on our precious environment.

Nancy Naigle informs us of the impressive gains that the Padrinos Children’s Foundation has made over the past seven years and their exciting plans for the future.

Ivonne Benítez, of Hablando Mexicano, tells the inspirational story of how owner Alan Becerril has created his restaurant and now Hotel Gallo Azul businesses. Alan has been a well-known figure in the Todos Santos community since 2005, and Gallo Azul Pizza Bar has been a popular spot since it first opened in 2014.

Have you tried the gourmet tacos at Tacoteca in Plaza Amigos in Todos Santos yet? Their fresh, daily specials include duck confit, top sirloin, pork carnitas, portabella mushroom, and more. Every Thursday is Taco Thursday with live music in the evening.

Happy 10th year anniversary to Étnica in Todos Santos! Their two locations, Étnica and Étnica Dos, have the finest Mexican handmade women’s and men’s fashions, leather goods, and home furnishings.

Amanda Reta tells the tale of Practical Magic: how this pueblo mágico is magical in the enchanted sense of the word. This tiny international melting pot has residents from all over the world, and yet you don’t just end up here. And how three women––a tarot card reader, a ritual teacher, and a breathwork practitioner––help us mortals tune into something bigger than ourselves while remaining in the awe-inspiring now.

Galería Logan is hosting a reception for artist Lee Mothes on February 11th. View his newest paintings and drawings of ocean surf, meet the artist, and enjoy wine and snacks.

The luck of the Irish is with you on March 17th. Shut Up Frank’s in Todos Santos will be celebrating their 28th annual Lucky St. Paty’s Day with Frank’s special homemade corned beef. And Shaka’s in Cerritos will be hosting their Shamrock Shindig benefiting the Pescadero Food Bank and Grupo Madre Teresa.

Galería Enrique Guerrero represents a group of young artists who are part of the emerging scene and explore all the visual arts disciplines such as painting, sculpture, photography, video, installation and digital media, with a contemporary vision and self-sustainable proposals. The gallery offers them a space of freedom in which they can exhibit their artistic creation, in addition to spreading their work nationally and internationally. Their newest location is on the otro lado of Todos Santos, next to Pinos Mercado and Pacifica Fish Market.

Contigo Cerritos is the perfect balance of home and hospitality. The intimate community of boutique casitas was designed by international award-winning Sanzpont Arquitectura based in Barcelona, Cancun, and Chicago, and features an international design aesthetic with an authentic local touch. As much as possible all materials and craftsmen are sourced in Mexico, as are the interior design touches. With a passion for sustainability, the layout of the casitas was based on a solar study to minimize direct sun exposure to interiors, to maximize efficiencies, and to preserve the view from the road above, so that hikers and bikers can continue to enjoy the ocean views. The casitas are built with sustainable features such as grey water recycling, partial green roofs, and renewable backup power.

In addition to their popular Las Tunas location, Shakti Bowl has a new healthy restaurant at El Merkado in San José del Cabo.

New World Organics Baja produces non-toxic and organic pest control, cleaners, sanitizer, mosquito repellant, and plant fertilizers. Their products are available in various locations in Todos Santos, Pescadero, Cabo San Lucas, La Paz and now on Mercado Libre.

The Palapa Society of Todos Santos is holding a masquerade ball on April 1st. Masquerade masks are encouraged, costumes are optional. Dinner included and beverages are available. See their website for more information.

We will see you with more exciting stories in our next issue, Spring / Primavera 2023. The deadline is March 10.