December Openings


Galeria La Poza, Todos Santos, Baja, MexicoThis Wednesday at 12 pm is the Grand Opening of Libusche Weisendanger’s Galería La Poza on Calle Juarez in Todos Santos (just a few steps away from Galería Logan and the Hotel California).

Then, from 6 to 8 pm, friends of Wind and C are welcome to their Open House and Party to celebrate the re-opening of Wind and C at their new location at Los Cardones Bed and Breakfast at Cerritos Beach.

Carolen, Windspirit, family and crew at Wind and C, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

Carolen, Windspirit, family and crew

Windspirit and Carolen’s commitment to delicious healthy food is the main attraction and is evident on their menu. Their focus is on preparing breakfast, lunch and dinners with all local, fresh and organic ingredients. By using more local and sustainably produced fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry and seafood, the dishes they create reflect their involvement with the local community.

The garden inspired recipes of Carolen’s originate in her kitchen. Carolen grew up in Mexico City with a Oaxacan chef and nanny in her home. At a young age, she went to the markets and learnt to cook and so began Carolen’s love of Mexican cooking. She continued to increase her knowledge by attending and graduating from cooking school while living in Northern California.

Windspirit in the garden, Pescadero, Baja, Mexico

Windspirit in the garden, Pescadero

When Windspirit is not working mornings in their garden in Pescadero (which also produces many of the ingredients for the restaurant), he is in the bar creating his amazing herb and spice infused beverages.

The restaurant is open for lunch from 8 am until 3 pm and with dinner hours from 5 until 8 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Happy hour is 5 to 6 pm and Sunday dinner is served 3 to 7 pm. Telephone 612-142-5617 for reservations and information.

Holiday 2012/2013 On the Cover

Anibal Lopez and a grey whale, La Paz, Mexico

Anibal Lopez and a grey whale

Aníbal López Espinoza

Paceño, Aníbal Lopez Espinoza has worked along the entire Pacific coast of the U.S. and throughout the Baja California Peninsula. He has spent most of his 38 years diving and kayaking the in the Sea of Cortes Protected Islands and Pacific Ocean. He also knows the back country of the Sierra Mountains, having spent the past decade exploring them on foot and leading hiking and camping expeditions. An avid surfer and skateboarder, Aníbal is the former owner and surf instructor of the “Killer Tube Surf and Skate Shop.” As a bilingual guide, he also has an extensive resume working for Lindblad Expeditions, Baja Expeditions, and his own business ventures.

These days, however, Aníbal is best known for his incredible outdoor photography as can be seen through his extensive collection of whales, indigenous pictographs, and especially his series of mesmerizing landscape photos. He is a naturalist by training which shows through his efforts for cultural and ecological conservation. He recently finished a four year project in which he photo-documented over 200 archaeological sites in the Cape Region of Baja California Sur for his book Colección de Imágenes de Pinturas Rupestres del Region del Cabo, soon to be published in Spanish, and currently being translated into English ready for 2013. While he self-funded his project by cleaning the bottoms of sailboats and yachts, he is in collaboration with the National Institute of Anthropology and History as well as the State office of Culture in México. His book will be featured in all the libraries through the state of Baja California Sur and he has been invited to present his research to various cultural conferences and symposiums.


Anibal Lopez, La Paz, Baja, Mexico

Anibal Lopez, La Paz, Baja, Mexico

Paceño de nacimiento, Aníbal López Espinoza ha trabajado a lo largo de toda la costa del Pacífico de los EE.UU. y en toda la península de Baja California. Ha pasado la mayor parte de sus 38 años  buceando y haciendo kayak en las islas protegidas del mar de Cortés y el Océano Pacífico. También conoce la zona de la Sierra, después de haber pasado la última década explorándola entre caminatas, expediciones  y viajes de acampar. Un ávido surfista y maestro de la patineta, Aníbal es el antiguo propietario e instructor de surf de la “Surf Tube Killer y Skate Shop.” Al ser un guía bilingüe, también tiene un amplio currículum tras trabajar para Expediciones Lindblad, en Baja California, y en sus propios negocios.

Actualmente, sin embargo, Aníbal es mejor conocido por su increíble fotografía al aire libre como se puede ver a través de su extensa colección de ballenas, pictografías indígenas, y en especial su serie de fotos de paisajes fascinantes. Él es un naturalista de profesión y lo demuestra a través de sus esfuerzos para la conservación cultural y ecológica. Recientemente ha finalizado un proyecto de cuatro años en la que se han documentado más de 200 sitios arqueológicos en la región de Los Cabos de Baja California Sur y publicado en  su libro Colección de Imágenes de Pinturas Rupestres del Region del Cabo, que actualmente está siendo traducido al Inglés listo para el 2013. Aníbal auto-financió su proyecto mediante la limpieza de los fondos de los veleros y yates, además colabora con el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, así como la Secretaría de Cultura en México. Su libro será presentado en todas las bibliotecas a través del estado de Baja California Sur y ha sido invitado a presentar su investigación a través de diversas conferencias y simposios culturales.

La Licoreria

La Licoreria is now open in Todos Santos! They are located on  the corner of Degollado and Cuauhtemoc (across from Carnitas Barajas) and open from 10 am to 8 pm daily.

La Licoreria ad, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

La Licoreria stocks over 300 labels of wine from Mexico and around the world in their climate controlled “cava,” liquors and Modelo beers–including Pacifico and Corona.

La Licoreria also stocks local favorites such as Hotel California tequilas and specialty wines from La Bodega.

They have the best prices (often less expensive than La Paz and Cabo box stores) and a large selection. Stop and and see them today!


Halloween and Day of the Dead

La Katrina, Day of the Dead, Baja, Mexico

La Katrina, Day of the Dead

Happy Halloween and Day of the Dead!

La Bodega de Todos Santos will start the evening with HalloWine Night featuring some scary-good Baja Wines! Bottle and Apron Prizes for Best Costumes. The wine tasting takes places from 5 – 8pm on Calle Hidalgo in the Historic District.

La Esquina on the otro lado in Todos Santos is having a Halloween Party for Kids and their Families from 6 – 8 pm with BBQ hot dogs and burgers. Drinks, Trick-or-Treating, games and more! Free entrance.Halloween 2009, Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

The Hotel California will host the 4th Annual Lifeguard Fundraiser with live music by
Curvas Peligrosas, Jaya and B.J. Groovetrotter, so get yourself costumed up and get out to party. Prizes for best costumes, dozens of interesting raffles have been gathered – dinners at the best restaurants, massages from your favorite people, and tickets to “Return of the Light.’  Free admission, music starts at 8 pm.

Se Habla…La Paz is celebrating the ever-popular Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). The have a traditional altar at the school. Maps are available to go to the cemetery on Thursday and Friday to witness the Mexican customs of honoring the dead. The school is located at Francisco I. Madero #540, between Republica y Guerrero. For more information: 122-7763 or

The San Jose Art District is starting their popular Thursday night Art Walks this Thursday, November 1, with a Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) party throughout the Historic District. Galleries are open late and area restaurants will be offering specials.