There’s plenty to do on first weekend in March…

7 Clouds to Heaven at La Encantada
The Festival de Cine Todos Santos continues Friday and Saturday night in La Paz with films at the Historic Teatro Juárez. Tickets for films at Teatro Juárez available in advance at GotBaja Store Madero #1240 e/5 de Mayo y Constitución. Suggested donation 50 pesos. For complete film listings and additional information and program schedule visit
After Saturday night’s film, listen to the live jazz of “Seven Clouds to Heaven” at La Encantada.

Proplayas Todos Santos lifeguards
The Second annual Ping Pong benefit for A benefit for Proplayas Todos Santos A.C.–the Lifeguard program at Cerritos Beach takes place Saturday morning at Baja Beans in Pescadero. See our earlier post for more details.
Back in the pueblo magico of Todos Santos, The Dave Matthews Blues Band from San Francisco will be playing at the Hotel California Friday night.
Saturday watch the sunset at the Hotel Guaycura SkyBar, then rock with the “Up Skirt Band” starting at 8 pm.
Sunday, come to the open house at Tsegyalgar West, a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center in the San Jose mountains. A Retreat Center of the Dzogchen Community. Instructors of the Dzogchen Community Jakob Winkler and Anya Neyman will be on the retreat land. This beautiful and wild 3,000 acre land has natural springs, granite boulders, grand vistas and deep quiet for retreat. Their mission is to preserve the Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhist teachings and preserve this special natural environment for spiritual practice. For more information contact: or visit
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