Summer Triangle

Sunset over La Paz bay, Baja, Mexico

Sunset over La Paz bay, Baja, Mexico

Last night I took my dog out for a stroll right after sunset. A few clouds remained over La Paz bay after the evening’s sudden rainfall, but the sky overhead was clear. I looked up at the moon and was surprised to see a perfect triangle of stars to one side.

This triangle of stars is known as the Summer Triangle. The triangle is made up of the Vega, Deneb and Altair stars. You can use the moon to locate the large Summer Triangle through late August.

These three stars should be clearly visible with the waxing, gibbous moon tonight. Step outside between 8:30 and 9 pm and look towards the moon to view the formation.

And while you’re here, check out our new Eco Adventures area on the blog. We’ve added our Surfing Santeños feature story from the Summer issue and will be adding more great outdoor activities over the coming weeks.

G20 Cabo

G20 Cabo logo, G2012 MexicoCabo San Lucas is this year’s host for the annual G20 summit. United States President Obama and Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón will be in attendance.  The summit take place from June 18th to the 20th.

The G20 Cabo Summit is a very prestigious gathering of leaders and finance ministers from 20 of the most economically powerful countries in the world plus the European Union: Germany, Canada, The United States, France, Italy, Japan, The United Kingdom, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Australia and The European Union.

The Los Cabos airport toll road will be closed June 14th to the 19th. This will be open only to those transporting delegations. Anyone who needs to go to the airport will have to use the old route through San Jose del Cabo.

There is a “Punta de Revision” on the corridor near the Costco/Pemex intersection that causes a minor delay for San Jose del Cabo bound traffic. The biggest traffic delays are in San Jose del Cabo for traffic coming from the airport until past the toll road. Expect some longer delays in this area.

The highway beautification work in San Jose del Cabo, Cabo San Lucas and the corridor is all finished as is the four lane to Todos Santos. Congratulations to all involved. We hope that the world leaders enjoy our lovely peninsula and the copies of “Journal del Pacifico” that we provided for them!

Felipe Calderón in Todos Santos

Sunday morning in Todos Santos…

Mexican President Felipe Calderón arrived for the finish of the Baja 150 bicycle race, that started on the malecón in La Paz. He rode a bicycle through the Todos Santos historic district ending at the park.

Baja Off Road race in Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

Baja Off Road race in Todos Santos

President Calderón was on hand for the start of the car portion of the Off Road race from Todos Santos to El Tecolote, then flew by helicopter to San Jose del Cabo.



GastroVino Festival

GastroVino Festival Poster, Todos Santos, Baja, MexicoThe first annual GastroVino Festival will take place in the Plaza Pública in Todos Santos, Sunday May 20th, from 1 – 7 pm.

The Festival is dedicated to celebrating the gastronomy and wines of Baja California. Designed for lovers of fresh local cuisine and quality local wine, this is a Festival atmosphere dedicated to getting to know local chefs from the Todos Santos area and their creations and also winemakers and their wines from the North of Baja.

The winemakers from Las Bodegas de Santo Tomás, L.A. Cetto, Baron Balch’é, MD, the new Sierra Laguna winery and others will be here. Entrance fee is 250 pesos at the door and includes a festival-engraved wine glass to taste every wine and also a taste of all restaurants’ specialties. All wineries and restaurants will also sell by the glass, by the bottle
and by the plate at special prices.

There will be constant live music with great artists such as Luna Itzel, Robert Drake Jazz band and Mariachis! Also there will be a silent auction benefiting the Internado, an organization dedicated to housing local kids that come from the surrounding ranches to school in Todos Santos.

Come to Todos Santos on Saturday night and enjoy one of the fabulous winemakers’ dinners at 7pm at Tre Galline and Santo Vino from Hotel California, meet the chef and the winemakers in an intimate setting and experience delicious pairings. Choose your dinner, which includes admission to the Festival the following day and access to the VIP tent. Limited space available. $100usd.

For more information, click on “Events” or visit: