Todos Santos Artist’s Studio Tour

27 Artists in Todos Santos are opening their Studios for YOU on Sunday March 20th, from 10 am – 5 pm. Don’t miss it!

You will be able to visit with each artist in their own environment, see them at work and converse with them about their individual techniques and subject matter of what they create.

Tickets are $100 pesos and will be sold at Cafelix: Thursday 3/17, Friday 3/18 and Saturday 3/19 from 10 am – 1 pm and on Sunday 3/20 from 9 am – 3 pm. (proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Art Program of The Palapa Society).

With the purchase of your ticket you will get a “red bracelet” and a map with all the artists locations. This bracelet will also give you a 20% discount at 18 restaurants in town the day of the tour.

Purchase your tickets ahead so that you will have all day to visit the artists.

Check out their video interview:

St. Patrick’s Day

It’s a grand day to be at the Sandbar!
In honor of St. Paty’s day, they will be serving up Irish fare (Shepherd’s pie, corn beef/cabbage and the like), green beer, black and tans, strong whiskey and Live Music make for a mighty craic!
Doors open at 1 pm, Food starts at 3 pm, Music begins at 5 pm (or thereabouts!)
“The Irish ignore anything they can’t drink or punch.” — Irish Proverb
Call for details: Helen, owner 612 102 9135 or Gabe, manager 612 158 9241
Click on “Events” for more information on this and all that’s happening!

Santo Vino!

The Festival de Cine Todos Santos continues through the weekend, but there’s other exciting things happening as well.

Saturday, March 5th The Hotel California presents chef Dany Lamote’s latest creations: ~ Santo Vino (Eclectic Bistro & Wine Bar) AND ~ La Popular (Gourmet Store & Bakery). Stop in from 6 to 9 pm and enjoy: Botanas * Pastries * Chocolates * Baja Wine * Tequila * Music… mmm… what more could you want?

Click on “Events” for all the details.


Festival de Cine de Todos Santos

Diego Luna

International Film Star Diego Luna presents the Eighth Festival de Cine de Todos Santos: 100 reserve tickets are available for the Festival’s 2011 edition, which showcases the finest Latino cinema. This year, the Festival will screen 13 films with special emphasis on Mexican and Cuban cinema. Films will be shown in La Paz on March 1, 2, and 3 at the Teatro de la Ciudad. The Festival de Cine takes place March 4, 5, 6 and 7, in Todos Santos at the Teatro Manuel Marquez de León. Friday, March 4, Diego Luna will open the Festival in Todos Santos with a special showing of his new film “Abel,” his directorial debut. Suggested donations for the Opening Night film are 100 pesos; 50 pesos for all other films. Tickets are available at El Tecolote Bookstore in Todos Santos and at the Teatro de la Ciudad in La Paz. All films in Spanish with English subtitles.

Click on “Events” for individual film dates and times. You can also click on each films title to follow the link to the Festival de Cine de Todos Santos‘ website for more information.
