Lunar Eclipse

by Roc Fleishman

Partial eclipse of the Moon, photo: Roc Fleishman

A Total Lunar Eclipse will happen the night of December 20th/21st. The bright full Moon will start to dim at 10:30 p.m. as it passes into the penumbral shadow of the Earth. The partial phase will start at about 11:30 and you will be able to see the umbral shadow creep across the Moon until totality starts at about 12:40. The Moon then moves deeper into the shadow of the Earth until maximum eclipse at 1:17 a.m. It will lighten up a little until the end of totality at 1:53 when you might see the darkest (umbral) shadow retreat back across the Moon until the end of the partial phase at about 3 a.m. The Moon will continue to brighten until the end of the penumbral eclipse at 4 a.m. or so.

This eclipse is exceptionally well placed for us observers on the west coast of North America. Enjoy the colors and shades no matter the weather (assuming you can see it), as it can even be more beautiful with some clouds. Remember it is the light from all of the sunsets and sunrises happening at the moment all around the Earth that illuminate the Moon during the eclipse. It is always different and worth watching.

This is probably the best eclipse site, and the source of all information.
